
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Protein, Cottage Cheese, Strawberries & Choc Chips!

A perfect fuel and refuel for a long and intense run and lift workout.

1/2 cup Cottage cheese
Half scoop whey
Chocolate Chips

Tailor to your specific body weight and goals.  This for me was under 200 calories and got 27 grams of protein.  Have it ready. Keep this in your cooler bag during your workout. Don't like cottage cheese (you're crazy)? Try Greek yogurt instead.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Normal Run vs. HIIT Run...HIIT it!!!

Normal Run


I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful, I know that full well.- Psalm 139:14

Here's a side by side comparison of one of my normal runs vs. yesterday's high intensity interval run.  Lots of slowing down and speeding up and even a couple stops to mop off the sweat from top to bottom.  Still, I burned almost 70% more with HIIT than my normal run.  That's only DURING the workout.  The great news is your body/engine/metabolism is still revving AFTER the workout!  Double bonus!  So go HIIT it today!  

A couple things I wanted to share that helped make this possible:  

1) Warm up.  Be in the moment.  Don't overwhelm yourself with how far/long you have to run.  Just move.  Slowly get warmed up and wake your body, mind and legs up.  Bodies at rest want to stay at rest.  It takes the most energy starting from zero.  

2) Mentally break the run up.  45 minutes is a long time for a lot of people.  But 10 minutes isn't.  Your goal should be to reach your 10 minute mark.  Once you've done that, give yourself another 10 minute goal.  When you've hit 2 goals, you've not only warmed up but you're feeling like something has been accomplished here. So what's another 10 minutes?  

3) You can't be fit and starve yourself.  Have a small, easy to digest high protein meal/snack with a high quality carb.  Fruit is my ultimate go to carb.  A great option would be to combine fruit with a whey protein smoothie, cottage cheese, greek yogurt or  egg/egg whites.  Have another serving ready to consume after your workout as well.  Pre and post workout fuelings are extremely crucial to your success.  

4) Welcome to the wonderful world of endorphins.  There is nothing like feeling like you're one bad super running machine!  I was pretty pumped towards the end and afterwards.  Wiped down, hydrated, then wrapped up with 15 minutes of an intense chest workout.  Nothing complicated.  (You can see the workout here.)  Pick a challenging weight. If you can easily do 20, you should increase the weight.  The great thing about focusing is quality.  You're just doing 3 chest exercises, so this allows you to really spend time doing it right.  Slow down your movements. Control both the push and pull motions. 

You DON'T have to devote hours a day to working out to get results!  Focus.  Push yourself.  Make it count and LEAVE NOTHING IN YOUR TANK!  

Friday, June 14, 2013

Run and Focus Day 3

1) 45 min Run/Intervals:  Warm up and jog for 20 -25 minutes.  For 15-20 minutes, alternate between fast running (even sprinting) and jogging.  It doesn't matter how long you do the fast run.  What matters is the frequent stop and go.  Think of how much gas you waste driving through the city vs. highway. Same concept here.  This is a double bonus.  Not only are you going to burn significant calories by running for 45 minutes, but you will burn even more by adding the intervals.  You can do a search on the internet and find countless studies that have proven interval training to be more efficient at fat burning and conditioning than sustained speed runs.

2) Chest:  3 sets (15-20 reps).  Rest very little in between sets, but give it all you've got every rep!  Focused intensity training!

Gym:  Bench Press (or Seated Press), Incline Press, Flies

Home:  Do the same if you have an incline bench and dumbbells.  If not, you can do the following:

Do 3 sets of 15-20 each:
  • Normal Push Ups-  Hands placed slightly wider than shoulder width
  • Wide Push Ups- Hands placed several inches wider than normal
  • Narrow Push Ups- Hands placed together.  Fingers make a diamond (aka diamond push-ups)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Be Unstoppable...A Great Run and a Life Lesson

It's amazing how our bodies end up surprising us.  I had an awesome workout with sweet Esther yesterday.  I was set on doing an easy 10 minute per mile run.  But a couple things came together during this run that really boosted my time that I wanted to share.

1)  LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.  Yesterday's success could be tomorrow's set back.  Most workouts, I would warm up for one mile, maybe even two.  Today my body was telling me it was plenty warmed up at half a mile.  So I just upped my pace.  I usually increase by .10 mph increments.  But this time I tried .20.  Again, I wasn't planning on doing anything more than 10 minute miles, once I reached that my body was telling me, "I got this" so I just kept increasing and adapting until I was in my sweet pace.  What that pace was, I actually don't know, which leads me to #2....

2) FORWARD, FOCUS & RHYTHM.   I knew I was running faster a lot earlier than I normally do. But my perceived effort was not as difficult. Therefore, I refrained from looking at the screen, because I felt like it would have held me back from pushing harder.  So I just kept my head up and eyes forward.  When I did that, I noticed my focus was better.  Shortly after gaining focus, I was able to get in a rhythm.  Once I got in a rhythm, there was no stopping me! It really really felt goooood!

It's funny how much this workout taught me about life.  So often, we look back at our past accomplishments and/or failures.  We put all our focus and attention on it. This not only prevents us from moving forward, but it pulls us back.  Wayyyyy back.  You can't afford that.  Time passes and so do opportunities.So put one foot forward.  Then another. Do it again.  And again.  Keep your eyes forward. Don't look down or back.  Get your focus. When you find your focus, you will find your rhythm. When you find your rhythm, you will be unstoppable.  No past, no fear, no doubt, no negativity will hold you back!  

This reminds me of what Paul wrote in Philippians 3:14, "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  I hope you realize that this is wayyyy more than getting in shape, looking good and setting personal records.  Looks, money, achievements and even health is all fluff if we don't have a higher hope and calling that is found only in Jesus.  So my dear fit friends, stay encouraged, move forward, stay focused and stick with Jesus!  You WILL be unstoppable!  

Monday, June 10, 2013

Run and Focus - Day 2

Today I'm working out with my girl Esther, who is headed off to college in August.  We're trying to get her on a good rhythm before she leaves so there will be NO FRESHMAN FIFTEEN for this freshman!  Still doing a run.  We'll shoot for 4-5 miles or 50-55 minutes.  It's her first workout in a long time, so we'll definitely ease into it.  But she's young so I think she's gonna blow it out of the park! By the way, I'm a believer in blasting the tunes when you run. It's my cheerleader.  So if you're not listening to music when you do cardio and you're miserable and/or bored, give it a try!!!  I love the Lifetime Fitness treadmill at our gym.  It has a USB and ipod/phone cord so you can keep your device charged up for the entire run and save your battery!  You can even play a game and challenge yourself to sprint or run inclines during the chorus.  It's great for interval training, which blasts massive calories, great for conditioning and will help you run faster.  I am living proof!  I was always a ten minute miler runner until I started high intensity interval training and did weighted squats and lunges. In fact, I think we will work on legs today!  Here's what I have planned for us today:

1) Conservative Run:  (40-60 minutes) No showing off today.  Just a one mile warm up (maybe even two) and a slow and steady, nothing-to-write-home-about, run (maybe some walking when needed, but no stopping unless it's for water or a brief stretch).  The most important thing about your first run is confidence. Set a goal and smash it! Even if you have to crawl to get there!  Whether it's 20 minutes or 40 minutes, just get there!

2) Legs Circuit:  (Approximately 15 minutes. Do 3 sets for about 15 reps each)

-Single Leg Dumbbell Lunge (w/ back foot rested on a bench):  Hold dumbbells in your hands.  With your back to the bench, take a wide step forward.  Bring one leg back and rest it on the bench.  Bend your front leg as if you're sitting in a chair.  The back knee will come close to the floor.  Return to starting position and repeat.  Do about 15 each leg. 

-Leg Curls Machine 

-Leg Extension Machine

(If you are doing this at home, you can do dumbbell squats 4 sets for about 15 reps in place of the machines. )

Run and Focus Week

The Best Part of My Run...."You have completed your workout."

Time limitations force you to focus and prioritize.  At my current phase, I'm focusing on conditioning and endurance.  I know a lot of you aren't used to running for more than 30 minutes and that's ok.  Just start where you're at and go for as long as you can.  The majority of your run will be at a steady pace.  Start SLOW. I mean, slow like your grandma can do this.  When your body and legs tell you, "I'm good", pick up the pace, but only slightly.  Then when you're adapted to that pace, pick up the pace slightly again.  I have to emphasize SLIGHTLY.  What that does is it tricks your body into thinking not much has changed.  But after you've done this for 10-20 minutes, you've increased your mph (and calories burned) without drastic effort.  My friends are amazed by how long I can run or how easily I can pick up running after not doing it for months.  This is the method I use and it has never failed me.  It's also injury proof as well.  I've been running since college.  That's close to 18 years!!  I think I've only pulled a muscle once and that was from trying to be superwoman!

So here was my workout from Friday I wanted to share with you.  Again, please don't be discouraged if you can't do this, do your time, your pace.  I run on a treadmill at the gym because they can watch my son while I workout. Otherwise my workouts would not happen.  But you can run anywhere you want. It doesn't have to be on the treadmill or in a gym.

1) Run:  6 miles or for 50-60 minutes (no set pace, just warm up until your body tells you to pick it up. Continue to pick up the pace until you hit your sweet pace.  Not too hard.  Not too easy.  You can finish at this pace or for the last few to couple of minutes make your pace slightly uncomfortable. Your increased conditioning will come from consistently pushing your body a little more when you are tired. This is TRAINING.

2) Abs:   I did about 15 minutes of nothing but weighted abs.  If you're not in a gym, you can do these at home.  Crunches, reverse crunches,  side crunches.  Focus, focus, focus. Burn, burn, burn.

There you go!  I can't tell you how proud I am that you're doing this! I know it's  not easy.  I know you're busy.  You may be discouraged at times.   But YOU are in control. Everyday is a new day. Everyday you grow stronger mentally, spiritually and physically.  It is such an amazing feeling!

Sitting is Killing You

If the benefits of exercising aren't enough to get you moving, how about the dangers of not exercising?  Dr. James Levine, an endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic calls inactivity the "sitting disease," which is actually producing the same side effects of smoking.  Adults who spent more than four hours a day sitting on the couch (or office chair) had an 80% increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease as opposed to those who spent less than two hours.  You can read the article here

According to the doc, to get yourself out of this category, you don't have to slave away at the gym.  All you need to do is stay away from the couch or chair for prolonged periods of time and move around during your day.  BUT, if you want to continue maintaining your bone mass, muscle mass, detox from sweating and drinking more water,  boost high-density lipoprotein (HDL), (aka "good," cholesterol), decrease unhealthy triglycerides, improve your heart, improve circulation, improve blood pressure and blood sugar, manage your weight, boost your mood, energy level, and brain power....push yourself a little more and do some challenging cardiovascular and resistance exercise.  You may hate it the first few times.  Even if you don't see or feel the difference right away (although I highly doubt that), you eventually will.  And definitely after one month, you are well on your way to creating a habit.  After a couple months, you are well on your way to creating a lifestyle.  

I heard or read somewhere that it takes 4 weeks for YOU to see results, 8 weeks for FRIENDS AND FAMILY to see your results and 12 weeks for EVERYONE to see. I have to say that is very true.  It was right around the two and a half to three month mark when my husband Dave started telling me how awesome my abs look.  Ok, I'm not gonna lie, I really liked hearing that! 

God created your amazing body.  It's waiting to show you just how amazing it really is!!!  Don't be afraid to challenge and push it!  

Psalm 139:14 

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,  I know that full well.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Intense Home Workout

You can do this! Don't feel bad for resting in between exercises and definitely recover after your sprint.  Bringing your heart rate up and down repeatedly is what burns massive calories, boosts your metabolism and will ultimately burn off the fat!  This has EVERYTHING in it!  Massive calorie burn, sculpting, abs, legs, buns, chest, back and CARDIO!! In other words, FAT BURNING, STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE!  You will be stronger, leaner and in better shape the more you do this!

Do 25 reps each exercise for a total of 3-4 sets.

Equipment: Bench/Chair and Dumbbells

Jog in place for 1 minute
Side Jump, Push Up, Rebound.
Mountain Climbers-Jack Mountain Climbers
Crunch n Punch
Split Jumps
DB Row (Push Up Position)
Single Leg DB Lunge (bench/chair)
30 Second Sprint

Jog in place for 1 minute

Side Jump, Push Up, Rebound - Jump to your right and immediately jump down to do a push up, then immediately jump back to starting position and jump as high as you can, with both arms in the air as if you're trying to get a rebound. Repeat by jumping to your left.

Mountain Climbers-Jack Mountain Climbers - In push up position, bring one knee chest level then quickly switch with the other knee. Quickly alternate back and forth.  After you've done 25 mountain climbers, go straight into 25 Jack Mountain Climbers (same concept, except your legs are moving in and out sideways, like jumping jacks).

Crunch n Punch - On the floor or on an decline bench, come up for a crunch and simultaneously punch with your left and right arms, twisting your trunk.  You can also hold dumbbells for increased resistance.

Split Jumps - Stand in a split position with right leg in front, knees slightly bent. Jump and bring the left leg to the front, returning to your bent knees position.

DB Row (Push Up Position) - Hold dumbbells in your hands.  Get in push up position and bring one dumbbell to your chest, squeezing that same shoulder blade.  Return to push up position and repeat with the other arm.  You can spread your legs to stabilize yourself.  Keep abs tight.

Single Leg DB Lunge (bench/chair) - Hold dumbbells in your hands.  With your back to the bench, take a wide step forward.  Bring one leg back and rest it on the bench.  Bend your front leg as if you're sitting in a chair.  The back knee will come close to the floor.  Do 25 each leg.

30 Second Sprint - Go outside and run as fast as you can for 30 seconds!!!  Hooah!

Recover and Repeat!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Hulk

This was an intense cardio workout with some weights thrown in as an active rest.  The key to getting over the "I wanna stop" hump during the 4 mile run is to control your breathing like The Hulk did in the movie. I know that sounds corny, but it really does work!   During the pounding and heavy breathing, you can push through with controlled rhythmic breathing.  It tells your body, "everything's ok, you're ok, you can do it!". Trust me, it works. You will get better each time.  I used to be a 10-11 minute runner, but by consistently pushing myself and practicing controlled breathing, I can run 7:30-8 minute miles for a couple of miles.  My goal is to be able to run that for 6 miles and ultimately a half marathon.  I'm definitely not there yet, but I am certainly enjoying my progress and look forward to more!  If the thought of running just 1 mile scares you, cut everything in half and work up from there.  These workouts are meant to guide you and help you keep things new and exciting with your workouts.  So don't be ashamed if you have to reduce the length of any of these workouts. You're working out, that's what matters!  Every day you show up, you will experience gains and progress.


Incline Chest Press (with dumbbells or bar) 10-15 reps
Seated Shoulder Press (w/ dumbbells) 10-15 reps
Triceps Push Down or Dips on Bench 10-15 reps
One-Legged Squat (dumbbells, smith machine or seated machine) 10-15 each leg
Hamstring Curls 10-15 reps

3) 2 MILE EASY RUN (1st mile start off faster, 2nd mile increase intensity, last half mile increase intensity)


5) 4 MILE RUN (2 miles easy, 3rd mile increase intensity, last mile should be hard. Start your Hulk breathing now!) Hey, if you have to grab a hold of the treadmill, do so.  You'll still be struggling trust me.  Plus, you're training your legs to keep pushing when they're tired.

If you completed this, congratulations on finishing a kick butt, ridiculously insane workout!  If you weren't able to, don't worry, keep at it.  No shame! You trained hard today.  Your body will reward you tomorrow!

Back & Cardio

WARM-UP: 10 minute on the elliptical

SUPERSETS: (Two exercises done back to back as 1 set)

Seated Cable Row - Standing Row w/ Barbell (4 sets, 15-20 reps)
Lat Pull Down - Dead lifts w/ Barbell (4 sets, 15-20 reps)
Incline Bicep Curls w/ dumbbells- Bench Crunches (4 sets, 15-20 reps)

3 Mile Run (1 mile warm up, Increase intensity 2nd mile, Crank it up at 2.5 mile and finish strong and hard!)

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

No Joke

This workout really is no joke.  I did 2 sets, took a break to eat and replenish, then finished up the last 2.  I was there for a little over an hour and a half.  This was definitely a weekend workout.  If you're doing this during the week on a time crunch, you can do 3 sets and keep the rest periods at a minimum.

6 circuits, Repeat 3-4 times.  Rest when needed, but as little as possible. 

1) TREADMILL RUN: (8 minutes)  Start 5 mph. Increase .5 mph every minute.  

2) ALTERNATING DUMBBELL LUNGE:  (20 Reps) Hold two dumbbells in each hand.  Pick the heaviest weight you can carry without sacrificing your form or grip.  Step forward with one leg until your knee makes a 90 degree angle.  Return to starting position and repeat with the opposite leg.  

3) SQUAT W/ ONE-ARM SHOULDER PRESS:  (15-20 Reps) Stand with feet slightly shoulder width apart. Hold a dumbbell by your shoulder.  Lower to a squat then thrust up to a shoulder press.  Repeat with the opposite arm. 

4) BOX JUMPS:  (20 Reps)  Pick a challenging height.  If you don't have a box available.  Just jump forward as far as you can.  Continue jumping forward until you run out of space.  Then turn around and keep jumping until you've done 20 reps.  

5) DUMBBELL PUSH UP WITH ONE-ARM ROW:   (20 reps) Get in push up position with a dumbbell in each hand.  Do one push up with dumbbells in each hand.  As you come back up, lift one dumbbell to your side then back down.  Repeat with the opposite arm.  That counts as 1 rep.  Repeat until you've done this 20x.  If you need to, break it down to two halves and rest after you're done 10 reps.  

6) ROMAN CHAIR ABS: (20 reps) Stand on the platform with your arms on the arm rest. You will be supporting your weight with your arms on arm rest and back against the chair padding.   Bring your knees waist level then straighten them. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

60 Minute Power Workout

LOVED this workout! Um, after I did it of course! I didn't have time to think and barely breathe during it.  But one thing's for sure, you won't question whether or not you're doing the right thing or working out hard enough.  I love crunch time workouts. You focus, you get it done and you get out!  You burn massive calories during and throughout the day.  I can always tell when my body responds to these workouts later on in the afternoon when I become a ravenous food monster. So definitely do not miss any of your 5-7 daily "meals".

WORKOUT: Do these 4 circuits 4 times.

1) 5 MINUTE RUN:  Start at 6 mph, go up .5 mph every minute. (If this is too fast for you, you can start at 5 mph instead, or whatever speed you are comfortable with.  Just stick with the concept of increasing .5 mph every minute)  For an even greater challenge, you can increase the incline 1% each set.  For example, the 2nd set 1%, 3rd set 2%, and 4th set 3%.

0-1:00 --->6 mph
1:00-2:00 ---> 6.5 mph
2:00-3:00 --->7 mph
3:00-4:00 ---> 7.5 mph
4:00-5:00 -->8 mph

2) 30 WEIGHTED ABS:  This is an active rest, but it shouldn't be easy.  If you're in the gym, find the seated ab crunch machine.  Do 30 crunches total.  (10 normal, then 10 crunches with left knee raises, and another 10 with right knee raises.)  If you were lying on the floor, you would just do your regular crunch for 10 then crunch with your right knee up for 10 and left knee up for 10.

3) 20 DUMBBELL SQUATS:  Hold two dumbbells, stand feet slightly shoulder apart.  Bend at your knees as if you were getting ready to sit down on a chair.  Go as low as you can while keeping your knees in line with your toes.  Use the heaviest weights that you possibly can use and still be able to keep your form and grip.

4) 20 BURPEE PUSH UPS:  While standing, touch the floor with your hands, SHOOT your legs out and almost simultaneously do a push up then hop back with your feet and hands together and now SHOOT your body up with both arms raised as if you're an NBA star on a rebound.  It's very fast and very explosive which means your heart while be pounding!  Do 10 then take a quick 10-30 second breather and finish up your 2nd half.

Round 1 done! Repeat 3 more times! You can do it!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Legs & Back Supersets

Legs & Back Supersets: You can get this done, get in and out if you shorten your rest time and don't waste time talking to anyone. Weights should be challenging. Try to go up each time if you can still maintain proper form and stay within rep range. 

1) Single leg squat on Smith machine -Lat Pull Downs (4 sets: 8-15 reps)
2) Squat on Smith machine - Seated row (4 sets: 8-15 reps) 
3) Leg Extensions - Rear Fly Machine (4 sets: 8-15 reps)
4) Leg Curls - Abductor- Adductor Machines (4 sets: 8-15 reps)
5) Ab machine (4 sets: 8-15 reps) 
6) 30 Mins treadmill (easy jog 1st 10 mins, increase pace every couple of mins, finish with a fast and uncomfortable running pace for as long as you can)

I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. - Galations 2:20 


I can guarantee you WILL be gasping for air. I literally sweat my make up off doing this! 

1) 1.5 mi 15% incline on treadmill
20 squat press, 20 man makers, 20 box jumps. Do 2 sets 
2) 1.5 mi 15% incline on treadmill
20 squat press, 20 man makers, 20 box jumps. Do 2 sets 
3) 1.5 mi 15% incline on treadmill ( if you have time, which I didn't, and not sure if I wanted to tbh, do another 20,20,20)