
Monday, June 10, 2013

Run and Focus - Day 2

Today I'm working out with my girl Esther, who is headed off to college in August.  We're trying to get her on a good rhythm before she leaves so there will be NO FRESHMAN FIFTEEN for this freshman!  Still doing a run.  We'll shoot for 4-5 miles or 50-55 minutes.  It's her first workout in a long time, so we'll definitely ease into it.  But she's young so I think she's gonna blow it out of the park! By the way, I'm a believer in blasting the tunes when you run. It's my cheerleader.  So if you're not listening to music when you do cardio and you're miserable and/or bored, give it a try!!!  I love the Lifetime Fitness treadmill at our gym.  It has a USB and ipod/phone cord so you can keep your device charged up for the entire run and save your battery!  You can even play a game and challenge yourself to sprint or run inclines during the chorus.  It's great for interval training, which blasts massive calories, great for conditioning and will help you run faster.  I am living proof!  I was always a ten minute miler runner until I started high intensity interval training and did weighted squats and lunges. In fact, I think we will work on legs today!  Here's what I have planned for us today:

1) Conservative Run:  (40-60 minutes) No showing off today.  Just a one mile warm up (maybe even two) and a slow and steady, nothing-to-write-home-about, run (maybe some walking when needed, but no stopping unless it's for water or a brief stretch).  The most important thing about your first run is confidence. Set a goal and smash it! Even if you have to crawl to get there!  Whether it's 20 minutes or 40 minutes, just get there!

2) Legs Circuit:  (Approximately 15 minutes. Do 3 sets for about 15 reps each)

-Single Leg Dumbbell Lunge (w/ back foot rested on a bench):  Hold dumbbells in your hands.  With your back to the bench, take a wide step forward.  Bring one leg back and rest it on the bench.  Bend your front leg as if you're sitting in a chair.  The back knee will come close to the floor.  Return to starting position and repeat.  Do about 15 each leg. 

-Leg Curls Machine 

-Leg Extension Machine

(If you are doing this at home, you can do dumbbell squats 4 sets for about 15 reps in place of the machines. )

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