
Monday, June 10, 2013

Sitting is Killing You

If the benefits of exercising aren't enough to get you moving, how about the dangers of not exercising?  Dr. James Levine, an endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic calls inactivity the "sitting disease," which is actually producing the same side effects of smoking.  Adults who spent more than four hours a day sitting on the couch (or office chair) had an 80% increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease as opposed to those who spent less than two hours.  You can read the article here

According to the doc, to get yourself out of this category, you don't have to slave away at the gym.  All you need to do is stay away from the couch or chair for prolonged periods of time and move around during your day.  BUT, if you want to continue maintaining your bone mass, muscle mass, detox from sweating and drinking more water,  boost high-density lipoprotein (HDL), (aka "good," cholesterol), decrease unhealthy triglycerides, improve your heart, improve circulation, improve blood pressure and blood sugar, manage your weight, boost your mood, energy level, and brain power....push yourself a little more and do some challenging cardiovascular and resistance exercise.  You may hate it the first few times.  Even if you don't see or feel the difference right away (although I highly doubt that), you eventually will.  And definitely after one month, you are well on your way to creating a habit.  After a couple months, you are well on your way to creating a lifestyle.  

I heard or read somewhere that it takes 4 weeks for YOU to see results, 8 weeks for FRIENDS AND FAMILY to see your results and 12 weeks for EVERYONE to see. I have to say that is very true.  It was right around the two and a half to three month mark when my husband Dave started telling me how awesome my abs look.  Ok, I'm not gonna lie, I really liked hearing that! 

God created your amazing body.  It's waiting to show you just how amazing it really is!!!  Don't be afraid to challenge and push it!  

Psalm 139:14 

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,  I know that full well.

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