
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Be Unstoppable...A Great Run and a Life Lesson

It's amazing how our bodies end up surprising us.  I had an awesome workout with sweet Esther yesterday.  I was set on doing an easy 10 minute per mile run.  But a couple things came together during this run that really boosted my time that I wanted to share.

1)  LISTEN TO YOUR BODY.  Yesterday's success could be tomorrow's set back.  Most workouts, I would warm up for one mile, maybe even two.  Today my body was telling me it was plenty warmed up at half a mile.  So I just upped my pace.  I usually increase by .10 mph increments.  But this time I tried .20.  Again, I wasn't planning on doing anything more than 10 minute miles, once I reached that my body was telling me, "I got this" so I just kept increasing and adapting until I was in my sweet pace.  What that pace was, I actually don't know, which leads me to #2....

2) FORWARD, FOCUS & RHYTHM.   I knew I was running faster a lot earlier than I normally do. But my perceived effort was not as difficult. Therefore, I refrained from looking at the screen, because I felt like it would have held me back from pushing harder.  So I just kept my head up and eyes forward.  When I did that, I noticed my focus was better.  Shortly after gaining focus, I was able to get in a rhythm.  Once I got in a rhythm, there was no stopping me! It really really felt goooood!

It's funny how much this workout taught me about life.  So often, we look back at our past accomplishments and/or failures.  We put all our focus and attention on it. This not only prevents us from moving forward, but it pulls us back.  Wayyyyy back.  You can't afford that.  Time passes and so do opportunities.So put one foot forward.  Then another. Do it again.  And again.  Keep your eyes forward. Don't look down or back.  Get your focus. When you find your focus, you will find your rhythm. When you find your rhythm, you will be unstoppable.  No past, no fear, no doubt, no negativity will hold you back!  

This reminds me of what Paul wrote in Philippians 3:14, "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.  I hope you realize that this is wayyyy more than getting in shape, looking good and setting personal records.  Looks, money, achievements and even health is all fluff if we don't have a higher hope and calling that is found only in Jesus.  So my dear fit friends, stay encouraged, move forward, stay focused and stick with Jesus!  You WILL be unstoppable!  

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