
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Hulk

This was an intense cardio workout with some weights thrown in as an active rest.  The key to getting over the "I wanna stop" hump during the 4 mile run is to control your breathing like The Hulk did in the movie. I know that sounds corny, but it really does work!   During the pounding and heavy breathing, you can push through with controlled rhythmic breathing.  It tells your body, "everything's ok, you're ok, you can do it!". Trust me, it works. You will get better each time.  I used to be a 10-11 minute runner, but by consistently pushing myself and practicing controlled breathing, I can run 7:30-8 minute miles for a couple of miles.  My goal is to be able to run that for 6 miles and ultimately a half marathon.  I'm definitely not there yet, but I am certainly enjoying my progress and look forward to more!  If the thought of running just 1 mile scares you, cut everything in half and work up from there.  These workouts are meant to guide you and help you keep things new and exciting with your workouts.  So don't be ashamed if you have to reduce the length of any of these workouts. You're working out, that's what matters!  Every day you show up, you will experience gains and progress.


Incline Chest Press (with dumbbells or bar) 10-15 reps
Seated Shoulder Press (w/ dumbbells) 10-15 reps
Triceps Push Down or Dips on Bench 10-15 reps
One-Legged Squat (dumbbells, smith machine or seated machine) 10-15 each leg
Hamstring Curls 10-15 reps

3) 2 MILE EASY RUN (1st mile start off faster, 2nd mile increase intensity, last half mile increase intensity)


5) 4 MILE RUN (2 miles easy, 3rd mile increase intensity, last mile should be hard. Start your Hulk breathing now!) Hey, if you have to grab a hold of the treadmill, do so.  You'll still be struggling trust me.  Plus, you're training your legs to keep pushing when they're tired.

If you completed this, congratulations on finishing a kick butt, ridiculously insane workout!  If you weren't able to, don't worry, keep at it.  No shame! You trained hard today.  Your body will reward you tomorrow!

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