
Friday, June 14, 2013

Run and Focus Day 3

1) 45 min Run/Intervals:  Warm up and jog for 20 -25 minutes.  For 15-20 minutes, alternate between fast running (even sprinting) and jogging.  It doesn't matter how long you do the fast run.  What matters is the frequent stop and go.  Think of how much gas you waste driving through the city vs. highway. Same concept here.  This is a double bonus.  Not only are you going to burn significant calories by running for 45 minutes, but you will burn even more by adding the intervals.  You can do a search on the internet and find countless studies that have proven interval training to be more efficient at fat burning and conditioning than sustained speed runs.

2) Chest:  3 sets (15-20 reps).  Rest very little in between sets, but give it all you've got every rep!  Focused intensity training!

Gym:  Bench Press (or Seated Press), Incline Press, Flies

Home:  Do the same if you have an incline bench and dumbbells.  If not, you can do the following:

Do 3 sets of 15-20 each:
  • Normal Push Ups-  Hands placed slightly wider than shoulder width
  • Wide Push Ups- Hands placed several inches wider than normal
  • Narrow Push Ups- Hands placed together.  Fingers make a diamond (aka diamond push-ups)

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