
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Intense Home Workout

You can do this! Don't feel bad for resting in between exercises and definitely recover after your sprint.  Bringing your heart rate up and down repeatedly is what burns massive calories, boosts your metabolism and will ultimately burn off the fat!  This has EVERYTHING in it!  Massive calorie burn, sculpting, abs, legs, buns, chest, back and CARDIO!! In other words, FAT BURNING, STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE!  You will be stronger, leaner and in better shape the more you do this!

Do 25 reps each exercise for a total of 3-4 sets.

Equipment: Bench/Chair and Dumbbells

Jog in place for 1 minute
Side Jump, Push Up, Rebound.
Mountain Climbers-Jack Mountain Climbers
Crunch n Punch
Split Jumps
DB Row (Push Up Position)
Single Leg DB Lunge (bench/chair)
30 Second Sprint

Jog in place for 1 minute

Side Jump, Push Up, Rebound - Jump to your right and immediately jump down to do a push up, then immediately jump back to starting position and jump as high as you can, with both arms in the air as if you're trying to get a rebound. Repeat by jumping to your left.

Mountain Climbers-Jack Mountain Climbers - In push up position, bring one knee chest level then quickly switch with the other knee. Quickly alternate back and forth.  After you've done 25 mountain climbers, go straight into 25 Jack Mountain Climbers (same concept, except your legs are moving in and out sideways, like jumping jacks).

Crunch n Punch - On the floor or on an decline bench, come up for a crunch and simultaneously punch with your left and right arms, twisting your trunk.  You can also hold dumbbells for increased resistance.

Split Jumps - Stand in a split position with right leg in front, knees slightly bent. Jump and bring the left leg to the front, returning to your bent knees position.

DB Row (Push Up Position) - Hold dumbbells in your hands.  Get in push up position and bring one dumbbell to your chest, squeezing that same shoulder blade.  Return to push up position and repeat with the other arm.  You can spread your legs to stabilize yourself.  Keep abs tight.

Single Leg DB Lunge (bench/chair) - Hold dumbbells in your hands.  With your back to the bench, take a wide step forward.  Bring one leg back and rest it on the bench.  Bend your front leg as if you're sitting in a chair.  The back knee will come close to the floor.  Do 25 each leg.

30 Second Sprint - Go outside and run as fast as you can for 30 seconds!!!  Hooah!

Recover and Repeat!

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