
Monday, June 10, 2013

Run and Focus Week

The Best Part of My Run...."You have completed your workout."

Time limitations force you to focus and prioritize.  At my current phase, I'm focusing on conditioning and endurance.  I know a lot of you aren't used to running for more than 30 minutes and that's ok.  Just start where you're at and go for as long as you can.  The majority of your run will be at a steady pace.  Start SLOW. I mean, slow like your grandma can do this.  When your body and legs tell you, "I'm good", pick up the pace, but only slightly.  Then when you're adapted to that pace, pick up the pace slightly again.  I have to emphasize SLIGHTLY.  What that does is it tricks your body into thinking not much has changed.  But after you've done this for 10-20 minutes, you've increased your mph (and calories burned) without drastic effort.  My friends are amazed by how long I can run or how easily I can pick up running after not doing it for months.  This is the method I use and it has never failed me.  It's also injury proof as well.  I've been running since college.  That's close to 18 years!!  I think I've only pulled a muscle once and that was from trying to be superwoman!

So here was my workout from Friday I wanted to share with you.  Again, please don't be discouraged if you can't do this, do your time, your pace.  I run on a treadmill at the gym because they can watch my son while I workout. Otherwise my workouts would not happen.  But you can run anywhere you want. It doesn't have to be on the treadmill or in a gym.

1) Run:  6 miles or for 50-60 minutes (no set pace, just warm up until your body tells you to pick it up. Continue to pick up the pace until you hit your sweet pace.  Not too hard.  Not too easy.  You can finish at this pace or for the last few to couple of minutes make your pace slightly uncomfortable. Your increased conditioning will come from consistently pushing your body a little more when you are tired. This is TRAINING.

2) Abs:   I did about 15 minutes of nothing but weighted abs.  If you're not in a gym, you can do these at home.  Crunches, reverse crunches,  side crunches.  Focus, focus, focus. Burn, burn, burn.

There you go!  I can't tell you how proud I am that you're doing this! I know it's  not easy.  I know you're busy.  You may be discouraged at times.   But YOU are in control. Everyday is a new day. Everyday you grow stronger mentally, spiritually and physically.  It is such an amazing feeling!

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